
Tortilla Wrapps

600 gr miell deri 650 gr 1 peciv 6 lug te gjelles vaj ulliri 1 lug krip 300ml uje  Brumi duhet te jete i fort te ngjeshet mire nese e bani me dore, nese me mikser e perzini 5 munuta. 15 minuta e leme te pushoj pastaj e ndajm ne kuleq si te pites e rritim peten sa ferterja dhe i pjekim ne te dyja anet ka nja 2 minuta jo shum mi tha ato qe i pjek i mbulon me pecet mos mu tha ose folje . Per mbushjen : 700 gr mish pule 2 kep Krip Biber te zi Dhe curry pluhur pak kurkum dhe nje got uje  Se pari fergojm kepen mishin pastaj tjerat me rend e zijme derisa mishi te jete gati 

Liquid chocolates

For the recipe: 2ve 1 coup sugar 1 coup oil 2 coup flour 1 chocolates -The first is beaten with sugar, now adds the others and mixes me spoon. Qokollada merges with a little milk, and drives them all together. I pour 4 to 5 oil socks and fill half the tire. Pitch up to 8-10 min. You are better off if you try G.B

Recipe bosanski cevap

Perbersit 450 gr mish i grire delje (i brinjeve) 150 gr mish viqi 2 qepe mesatare kripe ,piper i zi Pergaditja: Mishit ja heq brinjet dhe e ndan ne copa e bene bashke me mishin e lopes dhe i hedhe siper kripe pastaj e grin me makine per mish 2 here ,edhe qepet i grine ne makine per mish dhe i bene bashke me mishin e bluar .E perzien masen mire dhe i hedhe edhe piper te zi te bluar ,kete mase e vendos ne makine per formimin e qebapave , dhe ne pjaten ku i palon qebapat paraprakisht e lyen me vaj. Pastaj i fergon ne skare apo edhe ne feltere.

Somun recipe

Perbersit: 1 kg miell 10 gr apo 1 luge gjelle maja birre 1 luge sheqer 2 luge kripe 7.5 dl uje i nxehte 2 luge vaj ulliri Per lyerje: 1 te kuqe e vezes 2 luge pavlak Pergaditja : Miellin e bejme bashke me maja birre ,pastaj i hedhim sheqer dhe kripe , i hedhim ujine e ngrohte dhe e formojme brumin. Pastaj vazhdojme dhe e peziejme me mikser me rrotulluesit per buke derisa te formohet nje brum i pershtatshem ne fund i japim forme me duar dhe e lyejme me vaj nga te gjitha anet dhe siper e mbulojme me nje pecete enen qe e kemi vendosur brumin. Dhe gjate kesaj kohe e perziejme dy here dhe pastaj i ndajme kuleqet ne 10 pjese. Dhe nene kuleq hedhim miell dhe i lem per 20 minuta.Pastaj i shtrejme me dore si buke te vogel e bejme dhe e leme edhe 10 minuta.E bejme bashke te kuqet e vezes me pavlak dhe i lyejme siper , i vendosim ne tepsi dhe i pjekim ne temperature te madhe 5-10 minuta ne 250 grade Koha e pergaditjes : 1 ore e 30 minuta


Perbersit : 5 filxhana miell 2 filxhana qumsht 1 luge e madhe sheqer 3 ve 50 ml vaj 10 gr maja birre 100 gr sheqer pluhur 1 kese vanila sheqer pak kripe filxhani = 200 ml Pergaditja : Se pari e perziejem qumshtin me maja birre (kfasac),pastaj kripen ,sheqerin ,vajin dhe vezet i perziejme mire , i hedhim miellin dhe me tel kuzhine e formojme brumin , keshtu i lejme per nje gjyseme ore dhe i mbulojme me nje pecete.Deri sa brumi te vjen, pastaj e marim e hedhim mbi tavoline pak miell dhe siper tij hedhim brumin nga ene qe e kemi vendosur me heret dhe duke i hedhur miell siper e formojme edhe me mire brumin per krofne. Dhe me tehollues druri e formojme petenen me trashesi mesatare ,pastaj me gote te ujit i ndajme krofnet, brumin e mbetur e bejme prap bashke dhe e e formojme sikur heren e pare krofnet, ne nje feltere hedhim vaj dhe e leme te digjet pastaj i marim krofnet dhe i fergojme nga te dy anet derisa te skuqen. Dhe ne fund e perziejme vanila sheqerin me sheqer pluh...

Cinnamon Crescent Rolls

You know, there are a lot of times that I love to bake and make things from scratch. I will say, from-scratch food is almost always the best, in my opinion. This wasn’t one of those days. I was in a hurry to get some breakfast on the table and had crescent rolls in the fridge, so I decided to make a crescent roll version of cinnamon rolls. Heat oven to 350°F. In small bowl, combine butter, sugar and cinnamon; beat until smooth. Separate dough into triangles. Spread each triangle with about 2 tablespoons cinnamon butter mixture. Roll up each, starting at the widest side, as you would normally do for crescent rolls. Firmly press ends to seal and pinch the seams together to secure the filling inside. I have found that after I pinch and seal, rolling it back and forth on the countertop really helps seal things even better. Place each cinnamon filled crescent roll onto an ungreased baking sheet. Bake at 350°F. for 10 to 15 minutes or until golden brown. In small bowl...

Sichuan Water

Yield: 4 servings Cook Time: 40 Min Ingredients: 1 stalk of celery, stems only 4 scallions, white parts only 1 pound flank steak, thinly sliced against the grain Salt 1 tablespoon yellow rice wine 5 tablespoons peanut or vegetable oil, plus more if needed 8 to 10 dried red chilies 2 teaspoons Sichuan peppercorn 3 tablespoons chili bean paste 3 cups chicken stock 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce 3 teaspoons cornstarch, dissolved in 3 tablespoons water Directions: Shuizhu niurou (水煮牛肉) is translated literally into English as “water-boiled beef”, a rather benign name for such a potent tongue-burning dish. Restaurant versions usually come in a clay or iron pot, with about 100 chilis foating on the surface of the bright red broth, and a few pieces of beef poking through. It could more aptly be named “water-boiled chilis with beef garnish.” The fish version can be equally alarming. But for spice fiends and n...