
Showing posts from April, 2019

Tortilla Wrapps

600 gr miell deri 650 gr 1 peciv 6 lug te gjelles vaj ulliri 1 lug krip 300ml uje  Brumi duhet te jete i fort te ngjeshet mire nese e bani me dore, nese me mikser e perzini 5 munuta. 15 minuta e leme te pushoj pastaj e ndajm ne kuleq si te pites e rritim peten sa ferterja dhe i pjekim ne te dyja anet ka nja 2 minuta jo shum mi tha ato qe i pjek i mbulon me pecet mos mu tha ose folje . Per mbushjen : 700 gr mish pule 2 kep Krip Biber te zi Dhe curry pluhur pak kurkum dhe nje got uje  Se pari fergojm kepen mishin pastaj tjerat me rend e zijme derisa mishi te jete gati 

Liquid chocolates

For the recipe: 2ve 1 coup sugar 1 coup oil 2 coup flour 1 chocolates -The first is beaten with sugar, now adds the others and mixes me spoon. Qokollada merges with a little milk, and drives them all together. I pour 4 to 5 oil socks and fill half the tire. Pitch up to 8-10 min. You are better off if you try G.B